Constipation is one of the most common digestive complaints. It is defined as the infrequent and difficult passing of small hard stools. Many individuals find stools difficult to pass or have bowel movements that are too infrequent for comfort. If it is an ongoing problem and waste matter is not eliminated efficiently from the body, toxic build-up can lead to problems such as fatigue, halitosis, headaches and poor skin tone.
Constipation can increase the risk of certain bowel conditions such as diverticular disease, haemorrhoids, and colon cancer.
The causes of Constipation are commonly a low fibre diet, insufficient fluid intake and a sedentary lifestyle, although stress, habitual use of laxatives, pregnancy, and ageing can also cause the condition. It is also a symptom of irritable bowel syndrome.
Simple lifestyle re-adjustments can help to cure Constipation: a high fibre diet, plenty of fluid intake, daily exercise and learning a relaxation technique.
Complementary Medicine
Fibre is essential for health bowel function. While high bran cereals are often recommended, the phytates they contain can irritate the gut and make the problem worse. Your best bet is to eat high fibre foods in the form of oats, brown rice, beans, pulses, fruits eg figs, prunes and dried apricots, salads and vegetables.
Water is an essential ingredient for bowel regularity. Without it, the stool dries out causing it to become stuck like a cork in the neck of a wine bottle. You should be drinking between 11/2 – 2 litres a day of filtered or still mineral water – at room temperature, never chilled.
Sedentary Lifestyle often can be the cause of constipation. The large bowel moves waste material using a rhythmical contraction known as peristalsis. Brisk walking, jogging and aerobic exercise help to stimulate peristalsis. 30 minutes of exercise every other day will help to improve bowel regularity.
Natural Supplements for Constipation
- Linseed – This is an effective and convenient way to increase fibre intake. One tablespoon per day of these small, golden seeds, either sprinkled on cereal or taken with water or juice, can help improve bowel regularity
- Psyllium – These husks are an alternative to taking linseeds. One dessertspoon of these, in powder form, should be added to a glass of water before drinking. Follow this with another two glasses of water.
- Magnesium – this mineral improves the function of the smooth muscles in the large intestine and may ease constipation. Take 200mg once or twice daily as a therapeutic dose.
- Acidiphilous – these are the healthy bacteria that live in the gut, and can be taken in the diet as natural “live” yoghurt, or with acidophilous supplements. A lack of healthy bowel flora can exacerbate constipation, so aim for 1 small pot of live yoghurt daily.
Foods to Avoid
- Low fibre foods such as jelly, ice cream, white flour products and refined breakfast cereals
- Reduce intake of meat, coffee, alcohol and fizzy drinks
- Avoid foods for which you have a known intolerance such as wheat or cow’s milk
- Cut out full fat cheeses as these just set like concrete in the bowel
Other Recommendations
Learn a progressive relaxation technique and practice daily. This will reduce stress and help to calm the nerve endings in the bowel, which might be contributing to the problem.
Also See:
The following complementary treatments can be used in the treatment of Constipation:
Acupuncture, Acupressure, Ayurveda, Breathing Techniques, Chinese Herbal Medicine, Chiropractic, Herbal Medicine, Homeopathy, Hydrotherapy, Massage, Nutritional Therapy, Osteopathy, Reflexology, Relaxation Techniques, Shiatsu, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Yoga.
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